Posthumous Collections (a work in progress)

My beloved mother passed away in May 2023 after years suffering from late-stage Parkinson’s disease and advanced dementia. My father took care of her until he was partially paralyzed by a traumatic spinal cord injury in June 2021 – and I became primary caregiver to both. My life was irrevocably changed. Caregiving is an isolating and profoundly lonely experience -- contact with the outside world was limited to dealing with complicated healthcare needs and the management of...their entire lives.

By the time my mother passed, I had stopped creating art for so long that it was impossible to pick up where I left off. So, I began by organizing my mother’s substantial collection of seashells and began to develop an installation celebrating her treasures. I plan to continue using other objects from her collections to develop additional works, which I hope will resonate with family caregivers who have given up everything to care for those they love.


Personal Meditations